In 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were launched as a worldwide agenda for sustainable development. Progress reports show we have to accelerate actions towards the SDGs to ensure wellbeing for all. Companies have embraced the SDGs, but still struggle to integrate them into their strategies and business models. Progress goes too slow. Not because of lacking intentions – everybody is extremely positive about the potential of the SDGs – but because it proofs difficult to implement them at sufficient speed and seize sufficient benefits from embracing the SDGs.
This program, developed by TOSCA and RSM, provides the insights, knowledge and tools that companies need to define and implement their SDG ambitions. It aims to accelerate action towards the SDGs. It will enable you to articulate your sustainability business case, make the SDGs strategically and financially feasible and also give you the operational knowledge and skills you need to realize your ambition and drive real impact towards the Goals.
We invite all companies that want to accelerate their actions towards the SDGs and at the same time make their business future-proof to participate in this program. It doesn’t matter which phase of your sustainability journey you currently are in, whether you are a frontrunner or you have just started. The program takes into account where you currently are on your journey.
The program offers you an opportunity to make your business future-proof and at the same time contribute to the SDGs by: